The Porn Trolling of Haruhi Suzumiya: Chapter Three of a Haruhi Suzumiya Fan Fiction Story
C V Ford
Chapter 3: The Plan Hits the Fan
On the way home, in a county over, Carl stopped at a Pantera Bread eatery with net access and logged in to his "bogus" account on Otaku Fiction dot net.
Or tried to.
Seeing a couple other addys responsive ...
"Could it be?"
Entering Otakufiction dot net and "website not available" on Goggle revealed some blog entries and articles on other sites mentioning the same. As Quad Chan had a couple threads on it, he clicked on those links.
As he suspected, Otakufictions' servers were overloaded with access requests for taking a look at his story. As effective as a DOS attack. It would be a few days before Carl, or anyone else, could again access the site.
On a separate thread, as a "public service", a "thoughtful" soul who had previously saved the story to his hard drive, posted the story for one and all to read. The responses consisted of repeats of what Carl had read some days before.
A LOT of them aimed at the poster instead of Carl. Others about the media stir.
Remote clicked, Carl settled in for some evening news.
"Cartoon porn story causing a rukus in the far east ... Caution: You are now entering 'the no spin zone'."
"Yeah Willy," thought Carl. "Where theirs stops and yours begins."
"Breaking tonight, tensions heat up in the far east over a most distasteful piece of amateur writing. Good evening and welcome to the Pelly File everyone. I'm Mavis Pelly. The many years long debate over free speech and political correctness never ceases and ..."
"Taking a break from trashing El Donaldo I see," the amateur writer surmised.
"Later on the program ... Donald Trumps' landslide win in last weeks' primary in --- ---- fell short a quarter of a percentage point in pundits predictions. An obvious indicator of his soon to be coming inevitable fall? I'll be talking with several personally handpicked and unbiased commentators ... "
"Oops!" Carl grinned. "Spoke out of turn!"
"Welcome to Hanitee and tonight ... Should there be a limit on free speech? Should restraint be imposed if something even approaches the limits of what we term good taste and manners ..."
"Yup," Carl observed. "Even the Hannitoad weighing in."
It wasn't that Carl actually liked Faux ... Fox ... News Channel. He only found it more palatable than the propaganda peddled by CNN (Commie News Net) or PMSNBC et al. He figured if anyone was to give him a more "fair and balanced" crucifixion in trying him in absentia/anonymity, it would be them.
He was not disappointed.
All three programs of the nightly Fox line-up panned anime in general, his story in particular, and decrying indecency, racism, and the sad state of the present situation between the U.S. and Japan.
All three had Vaughn Williams doing his circular, repetitive non-schtick regarding racism and anything else coming to mind.
Don Stossel, the only libertarian and thus one of the only two half coherent voices, warning against censorship and the right of expression was repeatedly put on the defensive.
A guesting Anne Coltrane, while not in favor of Carls' story, at least came to the defense of Don more than once.
Above the fray, Charles Katzenjammer repeatedly declined comment, stating he'd rather talk about something ... ANYTHING ... but that.
The "montages" ... Images and vids of anime clips (Hey! It's Haruhi! ... What th- ... Pokemon?), Japanese members of the Diet speechifying, Sec. of State John Wearys' comments about the situation with Japan, extra-censored doujinshi pages and hentai, civil/feminist rights screeds, bad cosplay, military, etc., peppered the programs.
Carl didn't know wether to laugh, cry ... or throw up.
With commercials punctuating, he flipped between Fox and the other non-news channels catching prominent celebs, politicians, and other would be saviors of the collective soul putting in their one cent worth.
Anderson Hooper and Wolf Blitzky presiding over the ceremonies at CNN and with Carls' story and the rukus it caused as a pretext, the emphasis was more on the lefts' pet social issues than anime/manga.
Faux conservative/CNN suck-up, Hugh Hewlit adding to the din with his neo-cuckservative view of how the world should and must be. Celebs like George cLooney (Always upset about Elia Kazan and the Cold War ending "badly".) and Jane Fondue, ranting endlessly about the story being a prime example of the "war on womyn" and the callous insensitivity of those who never agreed with them on any and everything.
Gloria Stoneman even showed up. Crawling out of semi-retirement, condemning everything male dominated (ie. EVERYTHING!) then waxing sentimental on her salad days as empress of the feminist movement and her infiltration of the Playmate empire back in the '70s.
On the campaign trail, Pellys' program used the issue for a swipe at her "favorite" presidential candidate by airing a segment of a speech he gave earlier that day.
"Look ... I'm not really saying Japanese cartoons are either bad or good I mean I have a lot of friends in Japan made a lot of money there I get along with everybody 'n yet in the artistic aspect ... y'know ... they're just killin' us in the artwork thing I mean you look at the typical American cartoon versus the typical Japanese cartoon ... yeah! Yeah! ... I know I know ... AHHH NEEE MAY! ... It's all cartoons t' me ... but hey they're just killin' us in their cartoons art and free trade just like their trade agreements with them are done by political hacks so our cartoon artwork is done by artistic hacks even their comic books ... Yeah! ... Yeah! ... I know ... you in the back with the Bernie sign ... it's MAAAANGAAA! ... manga's a fruit 'n so are you ... yeah get 'im outta' here ... GET 'IM OUTTA' HERE! ... go easy on 'em ... don't wanna' harm the disrupters ... the poor dears 're known to break easy ... go home to mommy ... go home to mommy ... GEEZ!"
"Kinda' harsh Don," declared Carl. "Still voting for you though."
"Ending tonights' segment of the O'Rly Factor, we're combining the Faction word of the day WITH ... the Faction tip of the day:
"IF ... when seeking employment ... ESPECIALLY in the child care industry ... don't ... And I mean DON'T ... be a ... lolicon.
"Yes ... That's an actual word ... Goggle it!"
"Well Willy," said Carl to himself reaching for the remote. "That's at least one thing we agree on."
"And remember ... here on the Faction ... We're looking out ... for YOU!"
Carl took that one a little more personally than usual.
He also noted ALL of the shows mentioning Otakufiction dot net still not issuing comment one way or the other. This was interesting especially in light of the fact they were resisting cooperation with the authorities on Constitutional grounds.
Taking Apples' example, they were standing on the First and Fifth Amendments ... And so far succeeding.
All the same, Carl was thankful for the foresight of his precautions. He remembered the bullkrap about the bogus blame put on a video in regard to the Benghazi follies.
The rest of the week had things dying down a bit. Up 'til Wednesday there was still a segment of each of the news programs devoted to "the controversy" then came to only a quick mention on it for several days after. Time and Life magazines had an article or two later that month, again summarizing the controversy and several pages of the history of anime and cartoons in general.
Over a month later, though things were dying down in regard to the controversy itself (Carl looking over his shoulder all the same.), other things were happening.
Some even good.
In spite of the negative coverage, positive interest in anime/manga was on the rise. More people were speaking out in attempts at correcting the medias' biased reportage. Disc Sales were going up. Internet streaming sites getting more subscribers along with a higher renewal rate.
Due to the increase in interest, Funzymation ("You better be watching!") announced a reissue of the various Haruhi franchise series in new packaging and more extras. They were also doing the same treatment with other series that were put into Limbo when Banzai Visual stopped selling discs in the States. The latter company now regretting having sold the U.S. marketing rights to the former.
Even Nichijou was finally being put on the U.S. market! As it was mostly sight gags and the original Japanese dub being more than intense, it was decided NOT to do an English dub.
In a surprising development, Kyoto Animation announced tentative plans for a Haruhi third season!
Other companies, such as Sampai (Aka: NOT ADVision.), also benefited with sales going through the roof.
The Dalt Wisley Company supplemented their Miyazaki line-up by buying up the U.S. rights to Studio Giblet releases they didn't already have and with extras such as the music vids (On Your Mark, etc.) that were rarely seen.
AC/DC Comics and Marble started cutting in on the craze in attempts at buying the rights to varying franchises only to find the smaller "graphic novel" companies had beaten them to it many years before. They settled on mimicking the "manga art style" in some of their already established properties.
Cable companies that didn't have Ahnime Network were being bombarded by requests. 'Toon Network expanded their Toonznami and Adult Swimmer line-ups.
The world of fashion started making statements. Not only were designers making plans for cosplay type outfits and ensembles but the general look was was being seen on the street. The "ko-gal" look made itself evident as young Catholic ladies and other former privately educated students, on finding their parochial school uniforms still fit, took to wearing them again. Thrift shops and second hand stores were being combed for pleated skirts by the secular set, the shorter the better. Bright tartan patterns most sought after.
This, the ex-Catholic Carl found somewhat disturbing.
Not so disturbing was the Misty/Pokemon gestalt. He found it most interesting that so many late teen and twenty-somethings were effecting that look ... Nothing like a nicely filled out pair of Daisy Dukes! (1)
All in all, Carl noted, something positive was starting to emerge. Though things had gotten out of hand beyond his expectations, some of it was a good thing.
"I guess one man CAN ... make a difference," among his thoughts.
The thoughts ...
About to get "dark".
To be continued ...
Storyline (only) copyright © 3-4-2016 C V Ford
1. Daisy Dukes - Refers to the cut-off jeans worn by the Misty/Kasumi character from the first few seasons of the anime, Pokemon (Pocket Monsters).
The term first came into general use in the '1970s due to the Daisy Duke character in the TV comedy/action show, The Dukes of Hazzard. Played by Catharine Bach, part of her trademark attire were the sheer cut-off jeans she wore.
The Porn Trolling of Haruhi Suzumiya chapters 1, 2, and 4 Final Chapter.
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Disclaimer: The preceding is a NON-PROFIT work of fan fiction for entertainment purposes only. I make no claim to ownership of the copyrighted names/characters, places, and events mentioned in this work. They are the sole properties of their respective owners. Please, by all means support the owners of such properties in the purchase and enjoyment of their works.