I casteth ...
Thou mayest proceed-eth to Jaysteevee blog main page hither. If thou see-est entries yon below, thou art already there.
The set's not hooked to cable or antenna. It picks up only one channel. A very private one. Unlike cable, it always has something good on. No matter the time, whatever is playing is just starting as I tune in. How can this be? It's my video collection. Hi, I'm Jay. An occasional (very) voice actor lurking in the central Ohio hinterlands. And this is Jays' Tee Vee. My little corner of wierdness on the web. Movies, cartoons, anime. Oh yeah! ... WARNING ... Some politics.
Thou mayest proceed-eth to Jaysteevee blog main page hither. If thou see-est entries yon below, thou art already there.
Yeah ... I know ...
Fat Shaming.
Go to Jaysteevee blog main page here. If this page is fat with articles below then you're already there.
Go to Jaysteevee blog main page here. Any articles under this means you've arrived already.
Go to Jaysteevee blog main page here. Already there if you see articles under this one.
Go to Jaysteevee blog main page here. Of course yer there already ifn' ya sees articles under this 'un.
Go to Jaysteevee blog main page here. Yer already there if there are articles under this.
Don't catch it!
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Make Anime Great Again!
Go to Jaysteevee blog main page here. Yer already there if'n ya see articles under this 'un.Go to Jaysteevee main page here. Any articles under this 'un means that you have to think different 'cause yer already there.